Muslim Marriage (Nikkah) Service

Nikkah (Muslim Marriage) is performed in complete compliance with the Islamic Shariah

Dr. Malik is a highly experienced Imam and will perform Nikkah (Muslim Marriage) of the couple in complete compliance with the Sharia law and Sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), and in complete confidence.

Makkah Walmadinah Nikkah Service is registered in the UK. For our total fee for the complete Nikkah Service are the lowest - please call us on 07536793739 for more information. Booking fee is £27. It includes the issuing of Muslim Marriage Certificate (i.e. Nikkah Nama) and there are no other hidden fees. Our Imam, Dr. Malik will come to your house, a hall, a hotel or any other venue you choose and will perform the Nikkah.
Nikah ceremony
You can book Dr. Malik to perform your Nikkah (Muslim Marriage) and he will provide you with a Nikkah Certificate (Muslim Marriage Certificate). Once you have booked an appointment of Nikkah (Muslim Marriage), you will receive a letter of confirmation.
Nikah in a mosque

For Nikkah In A Mosque ( MASJID)

Nikkah service will issue Nikkah certificate
Muslim marriage Nikkah service for inter faith marriages
Muslim marriage Nikkah service for new Muslims plus Shahadah Ceremony For new Muslims.
Please tell us if you require witnesses for your Nikkah. Please notify us at least 4-5 days before your ceremony if your require witnesses.
Assists in divorce matters and issues divorce certificate. (Through its sister organisation, East London, Shariah Council Based at 7, Malford Grove, Snaresbrook London, E18 2DX)
Please contact Makkah Walmadinah Nikkah Service on
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